October 1, 2019

Choose a Scientific Article from one of the sources on the Science in the News Page.  Read the article and take notes.  When you’re finished, write a “rough draft” of your Article Review.

The AR should have three main parts.

1.  Citations:  Record the Name of the Magazine, the Author of the article, The Title of the Article and when it was written.

2.  Your Summary of the article:  You should include Who did it, what did they do and how did it happen,  why is this important, where did this happen.
Describe what the article was about in your own words.
You should include a direct quote from the article where possible.

The Summary section should be the largest section containing around 20-25 sentences, at a minimum. You may of course choose to write as much as you please.
Don’t ramble, be clear and keep it interesting.

3. Your Reaction to the Article.  
Tell the reader what you thought about the article, what your opinion about the issue is,
what sorts of questions you might have and would like answered.

When you’ve finished your rough draft…

Check and correct your spelling.
Read your sentences and be sure they say what you want them to say.
Count those sentences!
Double check that you’ve included all three parts, the Citations, the Summary and Your Reaction.
Be sure that this is a very good example of your writing.

When you’ve finished your Final Draft…
7th graders go to the 7th Grade Science Blog,

8th graders go to the 8th Grade Science Blog,
and type in your Article Review as a “Comment” under the assignment.



Your well-done article review should be posted to the blog by the time you leave class on 10/3/2019, or the morning of 10/7/2019 at the latest.

31 thoughts on “October 1, 2019

  1. Hurricane Lorenzo
    Hurricane Lorenzo is a recent storm that just happened a few days ago and is still traveling and slowing down at this moment. Hurricane Lorenzo went further east than any other storm. The storm broke records when it strengthened to category 5.The winds got up to 260 kilometers per hour, it spun over the eastern Atlantic Ocean on september 28th.
    Since 1851 no other cyclone has formed in the Atlantic that’s reduced such intensely that far. Most out of the 36 storms over the Atlantic reach category 5 when crossing warm waters. Although, Lorenzo’s category 5 got reached in the middle of the North Atlantic, which is farther east than any other record. The Northeastern part of the Atlantic water is to cold and winds to variable to get so strong, but Lorenzo did.
    The hurricane has now weakened to category 2 with winds 165 kilometers per hour. Lorenzo has now headed towards Azores Islands. It was predicted to begin on these islands on october 2nd. It will start with lots of winds and heavy rainfall.
    Since this hurricane has taken a record it will be remembered. This hurricane has done something so shocking, different from all other category 5’s.

  2. Spotted In Kenya: Baby Zebra With Spots

    Male Baby Zebra: Tira, is born with a genetic condition called: Pseudomenism. Pseudomenism is another word for Abundism. Pseudomenism is a variant of Pigmentation. Pigmentation refers to the coloring of the skin. Skin pigmentation disorders cause changes to the color of your skin. Tira has the oddities in zebra stripe patterns. “Tira’s appearance marks the first time that a SPOTTED zebra has been seen at Masai Mara Zoo,” According to Sayagai.

    Tira may not have a bright future. Zebra stripes help camouflage the zebra from their predators and it helps them do social-signalling. The stripes also control their temperature. Flies down in africa )Where most zebra’s are spotted) are fatal to zebras. The flies have so many diseases that when it bites a zebra it gives to many diseases for the zebra to handle and their heart and body start slowing down until it comes to a complete start. Zebra’s have very thin coats so it is easier for the flies to bite them. The stripes seem to disorient flies. But, Tira has spots so it’s easier for him to die. Research suggests that animals with A-typical coat patterns fit right in with the herd. So, Tira will be absolutely fine as long as they pay more attention to his health.

  3. Scientific News Article Review
    I read an article by: Dennis Overbye on the The New York Times. It was published on September, 27, 2019 and it was called Congratulations, You Survived Black Hole Week.

    It was about Black Hole Week that took place all over social media. Telescopes from the ground and sky have recorded a lot of scary things in space about black holes. The article included two stories of two different black holes. One of them talked about the giant black hole at the center of the Milky Way. Astronomers from the University of California mistook for a real star because it was so hot and bright. They even said that this black hole ( Sagittarius A ) has never been seen so bright before. They thought it could have swallowed an asteroid or shredded a star. The other black hole they talked about is in a distant galaxy about 375 million light-years away. It was spotted by astronomer Tom Holoien when he saw a sudden flash in the sky. They originally thought that this was a supernova but realized that it was behaving differently than a supernova would. They also talked about when a star gets too close to a black hole it gets pulled apart and shredded into thin streams of gas that circle around the black hole. Some gas falls in and disappears but most of it floats away and collides with other gases. This week they have given Einstein a lot of credit for his prediction that “enough matter and energy in one place would sink together endlessly, wrapping space and time like a glove around it- a black hole”

    I thought that this article was really informing and kind of scary because I didn’t know that there was a black hole in the Milky Way. It told me a lot about two different black holes in two different galaxies. It made me wonder what other black holes could be out there and the danger we might be in. One of the questions that I have that wasn’t really answered was what the black hole in the Milky Way could do to us. I definitely have a lot more knowledge about black holes and It made me want to do more research on this topic.

  4. How Science Made a Superpower
    The scientists from China made 4 great inventions which happen to be very helpful. Those 4 things are the compass, the printing press, the paper and gunpowder. The compass is useful for trying to figure out where you’re going. A printing press helps us put our online work on a piece of paper. Paper is used to write on or to print words on. Last, gunpowder is a part of the gun that helps fire.
    Did you know that publishers do the most research paper. Sometimes they write it on the computers then copy or print it off. Then other times they might just originally write it on a piece of paper. But they usually write research papers before actually testing. That way they can get some background information. Did you know that Chinese innovation of science and technology change the world?
    “ the nations philosophical traditions and unique understanding of the human relationship to nature prevented the spirit of scientific inquiry from taking root.” That means that basically the philosophical traditions stopped the Spirit of scientific inquiry from taking over. Did you know that science was the only salvation for a nation in precipitous decline? Also, the Americans established a scholarship fund money that a generation of the best Chinese students used to study in the U.S. So the Americans basically made something that that Chinese people could use to study.
    “ China’s turbulent modern history is key to understanding how the nation arrived at its current superpower state.” That means that Reading or learning about Chinas turbulent modern history helps. It will help you know how our nationwide it to a place where there is a lot of technology and intermediate stuff. Did you know that the Taiping Rebellion (1850-64) laid waste to the wealthiest region in the middle of the country, and resulted in as many as 50 million deaths? Thats pretty crazy how many people died because of it. Science is very important to our world, it helps us live an easier/better tech way.

  5. Eating Insects
    Magazine: New York Times
    Article Title: How To Develop An Appetite For Insects
    More and more people are starting to eat insects. Groups like the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations want to encourage people to consider turning insects into food for various reasons. Scientists are calling insects “future food” because they think that in the future we should think about swapping out proteins like chicken and fish for insects, which are also proteins. Scientists want us to have a sustainable future and in order to reach that they think the answer is eating insects.
    To most people insects are distasteful and dirty. That all started with Christopher Columbus. After coming home from his voyage to the Americas he told people about the native americans eating insects and said that it was an example of savagery. Word spread and soon insects were disgusting. After that when the settlers came to the americas they thought insects were disgusting because they ate the crops of the slave owner famers. That’s how insects become distasteful.
    Although most people think insects are gross they have been valued for millenniums. Today billions of people eat 2,100 insect species. They are becoming more and more popular inside of things like flour and protein bars. They are a good substitute for other proteins because livestock uses a lot of water and eating insects will save water. The problem is people fear insects so it will be very challenging to get more people on board with eating just insects. Another problem is if tons of people started eating insects there wouldn’t be enough insects to feed that many people.
    The Food and Drug Administration considers insects filth while the Department of Agriculture says as long as the insect is clean you can eat it, so there is a lot of confusion with that too. Scientists are working with both groups to clear up the issue with that to make it less confusing about if it is safe to eat bugs. In conclusion eating insects might be good for us because it has many benefits.
    I think this problem is going to be very hard to solve because lots of people are afraid of bugs. It also might not have the same taste as chicken or beef so I don’t think it’s going to become too popular. This is important because it has many benefits like saving water and the abundance of bugs that we just ignore. In conclusion, many people may be eating bugs in the near future!

  6. Crystals 10/2/19

    Crystals are a solid. This solid is made up of atoms or molecules in a 3D pattern. The crystals name is really Crystalline. This makes sense because we call it crystals. The first thing people think of when they hear crystal is “gem”.

    A lot of gemstones are crystals. Like the Dimond. A Dimond is made up of carbon atoms. Like a crystal, diamonds have repeating patterns. Diamonds can reveal layers when put in an X-ray. you can also see the atoms

    Crystals can save you the exact same amount that salt shaker.crystals can do the same things salt can.salt is made-up of the same things same things diamonds are. They have the same patterns two! IS SALT A CRYSTAL?

  7. Breeding dogs could change
    The world
    D.D P7

    Breeding dogs could change the world by having dogs as smart has a human. Like training almost anything. I will be talking about how we could do this. We could also use dog for almost any thing. We could use dog for military investigations. Such as helping humans find clues and maybe tracking people down from miles.

    A team of researchers scanned over 62 purebred dogs/pups from when they were just when we started breeding dogs to now. When they scanned those dogs they noticed something. It was that breeding dogs shaped dogs minds/brains bit by bit. If you want to look into it you can visit the website I got this information from.

    As you know over the years dogs brains have been shaped. So if we keep doing this dogs brains could possible get bigger and shape even more and then we could have dogs smart has humans or even more. Maybe if we keep doing this we could have dogs helping us with almost anything. Like fbi and military stuff.all in all i think that this is amazing stuff because we could have dog with minds like humans.

    Website copy and past it


  8. Kids who don’t drink Water Consume more Sweetened Beverages
    By, N.G, P7
    The Author is Brigit Katz. When Kids don’t drink water it becomes an issue because it can affect their health. When Kids consume more sweetened beverages than water that becomes a problem because if you don’t drink you could become very sick and possibly end up in the hospital. Parents should always have their kids drink water like if they do a sport they got to stay healthy so they can actually play on the team.

    Kids should always drink water because if you don’t you could end up with type two diabetes. It’s not fair for kids to have diabetes because they have to limit their food and what they drink. That’s why scientists say that kids should drink more water than a sugary drink because nobody wants to have diabetes. You also don’t want to not drink water because you will not grow properly and you will be super unhealthy and you just won’t grow. Scientists say the twenty percent of kids don’t drink water at all in the whole day and just drink sugary drinks. I try and drink water everyday and every soccer game I play and also when I go to dance. I try to stay healthy but sometimes I’m not.

    I think that the age group that drinks the most sugary drinks are between 12-17 because if you think about the worst things for you are energy drinks so most teens drink those and they are very bad for you. 8,400 children between the ages 12-19 drink sugary drinks instead of water. You should always have a bottle of water with you wherever you go because you never know where you are going to be.

    These are all of the reasons why kids should only drink water not sugary drinks. It is very unhealthy for you, so if you only drink sugary drinks you should research about how bad and unhealthy they are for you and take it into consideration to start to drink lots and lots of water.

  9. Why do songs get stuck in your head
    By: L P

    You’re driving to work, listening to your favorite radio station, when on comes Britney Spears’ “Baby One More Time.” By the time you pull into your office parking lot, you have, “Oh baby, baby” running through your head. You hum it at your desk. You sing it on your way to the restroom. You tap it out on the conference table during your morning meeting. When five o’clock finally rolls around, your coworkers are shooting you the evil eye and you’re ready to pull your hair out.


    Why do songs get inextricably stuck in our heads? Experts say the culprits are earworms (or “ohrwurms,” as they’re called in Germany). No, they’re not parasites that crawl into your ear and lay musical eggs in your brain, but they are parasitic in the sense that they get lodged in your head and cause a sort of “cognitive itch” or “brain itch” a need for the brain to fill in the gaps in a song’s rhythm.


    When we listen to a song, it triggers a part of the brain called the auditory cortex. Researchers at Dartmouth University found that when they played part of a familiar song to research subjects, the participants’ auditory cortex automatically filled in the rest in other words, their brains kept “singing” long after the song had ended.


    A fun fact for you about earworms Earworms aren’t just a modern phenomenon. Back in the 1700s, Mozart’s children would drive him crazy by starting a melody on the piano and leaving it hanging. He would rush downstairs to finish the tune. And to try
    and get a song out of your head here are some tips to try to get a song out of your head.Sing another song, or play another melody on an instrument.Switch to an activity that keeps you busy, such as working out. Listen to the song all the way through (this works for some people). Turn on the radio or a CD to get your brain tuned in to another song.Share the song with a friend (but don’t be surprised if the person become an ex-friend when he or she walks away humming the tune).Picture the earworm as a real creature crawling out of your head, and imagine stomping on it.

    Stephanie Pappas – Live Science Contributor

  10. inferred signal
    By: J.F.

    People actually found found an inferred signal. It was a neutron. A neutron is a star about to die and it if doesn’t have enough mass in it, it becomes a neutron. If the star has enough mass it would turn into a black hole. This is the first time in history that an inferred star was found. The people who discovered this was really surprised how red the neutron star was.

    The people who found the star are college kids some were from university of Arizona, Penn State, and a university in Turkey. The people discovered that it was a star and they were trying to understand why is was inferred. The reason why it was inferred is wind from the neutron (pulsar) it radiates then it gives off a inferred radiation. The star is 800 light years away. The pulsar is insanely rare it might never happen again but really no body knows.

    The people who discovered the inferred neutron should be really happy with them selfs because this changed a lot of things in space. If they’re more inferred stars out there I hope we discover them. The kids found the star and it was 800 light years away. Like the wind on it can turn the neutron into red neutron look. More people should study about the stars more.

  11. Slinky dog
    Slink is woodys dog from Toy Story. He is good at streching and can really help in some situations. The toy was made by Richard James. It was made in the 1940s. And then later on they made a slinky train
    Etch A Sketch
    In Toy Story he is used to send messages to the team. He was made by French electrical technician AndrÇ Cassagnes. He was inspired by an encouter at there work. He didnt realize it would work until he did it with a pencil. He eventually sold the rights for 25,000.
    Barbie helped them escape in Toy Story 3. Barbie is one of the most recognizeable toys. She was inspired by a German collector his name is Bild Lilli. She was a instant best seller everwhere. He made a bunch of different types of barbies such as astronaut and rapper. And the would sell the company for tens of thousands of dollars.

  12. Science News for Kids
    Breeding has Giving Different Dogs
    Disticit Brain Shapes
    By: Laura Saunders

    For Centuries and Centuries people have been breeding dogs and they have been there best friend, People have been turning them from wolves to Domestic Dogs. Sometimes dog brains are exactly the same even if the dog is smaller or bigger. Through many years of dog breeding people have shaped the dogs brain many different times. The behavior of a Dog can affect it’s behavior. Therefore, every single dog on the face of this Planet acts different in general or to different things. And you know that whole thing where people are saying that a dog is a man’s best friend? Well, that all depends on the shape of the brain. All dogs are closer to their “People” than others.

  13. Kids who don’t drink water consume more sweetened beverages
    By C.T P7

    The Author is Brigit Katz it was written in 2019.

    I think kids should stop Drinking sugary drinks because it is not good for your health. You can get server things like type two diabetes. People in the American Academy of Pediatrics has called for taxes to be put in place. The taxes are on sugary drinks. So if I were you I would be drinking water at least one cup a day.

    A study has found out that one of five children have no water on a daily basis. Also 20 percent of children reported drinking no water throughout the day. They consumed twice as many calories. In a month if you have 3,500 calories you will gain a pound. If you don’t drink enough water a day you will get type two diabetes over the course of many years. But there is one problem that kids and adults can’t help. They can’t afford to pay the bills so thee water shuts off. So they will have to buy water instead of getting it from your sink.

    So please I would drink at least 3 cups of water a day so you don’t get type two diabetes. And so you don’t gain a lot of pounds. If you drink water it will make you more energy and so your health is good and your lungs and heart is Good. So please don’t stop drinking water because I don’t think you want what I described.

  14. Real-time vapor analysis could help training explosion detected dogs

    In some vapors they can help exposing detective dog find bombs. ACS has claimed they found a new way of trying dogs, with vapors. Bomb dogs are originally are supposed to sniff out TNT and nityoglisarin and some others but will exposing them to different types of explosion sense and other metals that correspond with a bomb help? Yes It would redoes the amount of tarorist attacks by a lot

    These vapors could also redoes the mistakes in training. Like picking up types of metal not used in bombs. This could also encase the mot of smell they get by bombs by a lot. Some of the common mistakes are finding the other smells. Cross continuation is a common one yes it is also really bad and a think it is illegal there trying to find bombs.

    The help these can prepose is out standing. Many of bombs can be found. Many more than there already are. still there will be slip ups but you can’t go wrong with trying. I have hope in these vapors to make America safer.

    There isn’t a wrong without trying. If these new vapors and training methods don’t work don’t work there always be another way. Yet I don’t doubt these they still might not work. Yet agin there isn’t a problem in trying. No mater what happens there will still be room for improvement. Wether or not these work I know they come up with something.

    Provided by American Chemical Society

    Cite: https://phys.org/news/2017-06-real-time-vapor-analysis-explosive-detecting-dogs.html
    n.b per6

  15. B.P-P5

    10-1-19 Article for summary read on Teen Tribune written by Brigit Katz Smithsonian.com
    Scientific Article Review
    I read an article about how children drink sugary drinks much more often than water. In the article paragraph 8 the author stated that the doctor had stated that the unhealthy habit of drinking no water had some long term effects such as liver disease and diabetes. This applies to children and adults. In the article the doctors surveyed 8,400 children ages 2-19 and a shocking 20% didn’t drink any water on a daily basis. That 20% is equal to 420 children.

    What has this world come to? 420 children have guardians who don’t care about their physical health enough to watch their diet closely. Kids who drink sugary drinks are more likely to gain weight more rapidly than children who drink water. Kids who don’t drink enough water are prone to gain a possible pound every month. It doesn’t seem like a lot but, that’s 12 pounds a year or even more.

    The children who don’t drink enough water are not completely at fault. The parents could be to blame or they may not have access to clean/safe water to drink. Not to mention you never see ads on t.v , youtube or any social media platform about water. If you do see one which is very rare it isn’t ever directed to kids or the ad doesn’t make is appealing. Ads for kids should show things they like and how it’s important to drink water to keep doing them such as soccer , baseball , hockey , cheer and other sports or activities or even being creative. Most ads are things like Gatorade , Pepsi , juice , etc. Our economy and marketing staff are infuincing our youth, our future to become obese and unhealthy. That’s my take on the sugary drinks article.

  16. DYP5
    Black widow mating
    (how to not die if you’re a black widow)
    As you may know some animals die after mating with a partner, such as the octopus, crickets, and tarantulas. However. My main focus is the tarantula, they can live after mating. Male tarantulas will find a tarantula of the other gender
    And the female spider will give signs if read incorrectly it can lead to the funeral of bob the tarantula. But the males don’t just randomly find a female they pick up on the web that the females make. Females put out a scent called pheromones. They smells can tell other signs like has she mated or as far as if she’s hungry or not. The hungry part is critical, some males will still go for the female but if she’s hungry she might decide she wants a cannibal lunch before little babies. When the male spider makes it on the partners web they dance as a form of talking to them. If the male decides not to dance to say that they are friendly, like I said bob the tarantula is going to be dead. If the female spider has never mated before the male can choose to block systems that later lead to reproduction and thus thwarting other spiders from making babies with that female. This is likely a move form supremacy or power.

  17. RLP5
    Plant Based Fire Retardant

    ‘Plant-based fire retardants may offer a less toxic way to tame flames’ is the name of the article. The author of the article is Maria Temming. The name of the magazine is Science News and was made on August 26, 2019 AT 1:29 PM.

    Scientists have been working on a plant based fire retardant. The flame retardant has a bunch of different ingredients. The ingredients are gallic acid-which is found in tea leaves and nuts- and a substance in buckwheat called Dihydroxybenzoic acid. Treating these compounds with a chemical called phosphoryl turned these compounds into a fire retardant chemicals named phosphoryl esters. Plant based fire retardants are important because they are made out of plants. Plant based retardants are also important because many normal fire retardants cause health problems including thyroid disruption and cancer. Also, the normal flame retardants in landfills have their fire retardant chemicals drain out can persist in the environment for a long time. They made the plant based fire retardant at Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant. The article was about a plant based fire retardant. It is better to use plant based fire retardants because they don’t stay in the air as long as normal fire retardants. “In general, things derived from plants are much less toxic … they’re usually degradable,” says Bob Howell.
    Also they are better for the people around the fire retardants compared to normal ones. Normal fire retardants give people cancer and thyroid disruption but the plant based ones do not.

    I thought the article was pretty interesting. They made a fire retardant out of plants! I thought it was pretty weird how a normal fire retardant can give you cancer, but not a plant based one. I didn’t think that something that stops fire can give you cancer but that was the problem or at least one. I didn’t think that a fire retardant stayed in the air for a while. Is the plant based fire retardant degradable?

  18. Lead pipes

    This article was written by Robert F. Service. His article was published on April 3, 2019 at 2.45 pm. He also did a great job explaining about the causes and effects. Lastly, The article is called Science AAA, to seal off dangerous lead pipes, just add electricity.

    This article is important because it teaches us about the causes and the effects. It also teaches us about why and how it is causing corrosion. Over 18 million people are at risk of lead leaching into their old pipes inside their homes and their water systems.The people new water increased corrosion inside the new lead pipes. People are now putting an electrical wire through the pipes so they don’t get corrosion. Also, the current of the water is causing lead to leach more into the cities water. The leaching was on full-display in Flint Michigan. More adults and children are affected by delayed or stunted brain development. The lead that is leaching into the water is exposing hundreds and thousands of children. Also, there is a thing called phosphate that seales the pipes so they don’t leach lead into the water. The researchers found a way to speed up the process that is by striking the wire down the pipe like I talked to you a little bit in the middle of the paragraph. There is a thing that the pipes do when they get rusty witch is called scaling which can take many years. Also, the mineralike crust keeps most of the lead ions out of the water. Lastly, The lead ions cause the lead to drop into the water by 99.99%.

    Then, I think that they should of switched to putting electric into the pipes way before now. But at least they finally switch because more people are getting lead problems in there water so this is why I think they should have more electricity in the pipes. Lastly, I think that they should have cleaner water systems because I think that this would cause less corrosion and less harm to people. Lastly, this is why I think that they should have gotten rid of lead pipes way before this because less kids would get sick from the lead ions leaching into the drinking water.

  19. B.L. The Solar Corona Period 6

    The facts on this “2nd sun” are incredible. These are some facts on, The Solar Corona. It is even hotter than the sun! It has a temp of over 1 MILLION degrees kelvin.
    But, the sun is only 5500 degrees kelvin. Which is very surprising because the sun is super hot. The hot outer layer of the sun which is obviously the Corona. It easily produces important probe energy. Was studied for IRIS which is magnetic energy that it produces.

    When it flares, you can see it from earth and it lets off gas air which is like a greenish blue/it is electric energy. It was thought to be footprints of flaring light. It is characterized by its high velocity. If you put an aircraft/ rocket ship to close, it will melt it because of its radiation. We send an unmeltable droid up on it and it was gas and it fell through and now it is stuck there.

    It is made up of an inflammable object and will set YOU on fire rather than you setting IT on fire. But, when you use gastric acids, it creates a wild explosion that can either destroy the Corona, or you. While it is rare to find gastric acids because they are in/on the sun and you would burn to death if you try. So it has never been done before and hopefully it never does because it can also destroy our planet or another planet

    . And the lesson scientists say to not do is to touch it to gastric acid or else. And don’t put nitrogen either. It can make a blast of cold air which can freeze at least 3 planets solid. And its fiery outside will BURN anything that gets too close. Also scientists are still doing further research on it. And they are doing that to find ant more defects and weaknesses to it.

  20. Volcanoes

    Article by Patrick Galey October 1st 2019

    Gigatonnes:The findings published in the journals elements, showed two-tenths of 1 percent of Earth’s total carbon There is around 43,000 gigatonnes in the ocean land and in our atmosphere. Also there are about 1.85 Gigatonnes in our Earth’s crust mantle and core, providing scientists with clues about how the Earth formed billions of years ago. And one Gigatonne is around 3 million boeing 747s. When CO2 is released annually by Volcanoes and hovers around 0.3 and 0.4 gigatonnes.
    Observatory (DCO) 500 strong team of scientists released a paper and explaining how carbon is stored. They also found out that man made carbon dioxide outstrips the contribution of volcanoes.”Climate sceptics really jump on volcanoes as a possible contender for top CO2 emissions but it’s simply not the case” said Emonds “it’s also the timescale” Catastrophic eruptions it has taken hundreds and thousands of years of levels accumulate.
    In contrast, man made carbon emissions have seen CO2 levels rise two thirds in a spain of a few centuries.

    Patrick Galey did this because he wanted to see how strong the volcanoes, volcanic eruption is and how many gigatons are wasted in the process. And from all the volcanic eruptions there are 43,000 gigatonnes in are ocean and land.in each gigatonne there is 3 million boeing that means there are 1.29e+13 boeing in our oceans and land.

  21. Southern California Superblooms
    Southern California has superblooms. This is when the southern landscape comes alive with beautiful flowers, some are rare. The flowers that bloom are wild poppies, verbend, lilies, primroses, and prickly pears. The seeds that make these superblooms are made to last they often have thick or waxy coats. This makes them last in dormant state.

    The best superblooms occur after extended droughts has had time to kill off invasive weeds. Some rare species only bloom every few years or even decades.
    In 2017 the superbloom began in desert areas in early March it ran through April. The bloom could be seen from space! These super blooms are fantastic and super pretty. They could make you happy to just take in the beautiful scenery.

    The massive Woosley fire burned 96,949 acres of land. The fire was in Los Angeles and Ventura. It scorched 88 percent of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. It did help produce a bumper crop of flowers In southern California. That’s because many wildflower species only germinate under these exact conditions. This includes poppies and the popcorn flower. The super blooms have so many different kinds of flowers. Some might be rare or endangered. But when the superbloom happens it is the prettiest thing ever.

  22. Dog Breeds have Distinct Brains

    Dog breeders have shaped the way the world’s canines look and behave for centuries. Researchers scanned the brains of dogs with an MRI, to see if dogs brains are alike, and, what they have found, is that all dog brains are not alike. Dog brains are being shaped bit by bit and are not being shaped by the shape of their head, it is only because of the way they are being breeded. Some parts of the dog’s brain varied more than others. Smell and taste are examples of this, those areas may support specialized behaviors that often serve people. Dogs that are trained to do lots of stuff for people have a higher chance of having a distinct brain. This could be a good sign that their brains are doing this because then dogs will be more trained and maybe we wont even have the slightest bit of problems with them. This could also be a bad thing because if the breeds don’t really go good together then it could mess something up in the brain and the dog wont be as good. But from what we are learning so far, this is going great and we hope that it wont take a wrong turn. This information was learned on September 2nd. It is great how a dogs brain can change just by the way it is breeded. I found this article under ScienceNews for Kids. The author who made this was Laura Sanders.

  23. P.M
    Our Memories
    Right now I am about to teach you about how we as humans remember/ make memories. Before a memory pops up nerve cells start to work so that they can be in sync. Then, the brain stores and recalls information. Scientists try to study them. Patients will be given a picture of something that they’ve done/seen. When they do they do this, they start to see some activity starting to happen. Jogging their memory. They are also called sharp wave ripples. These occur when many nerve sells fire up together. The patients are asked to recall the memories from the pictures they had been given. The ripples mirrored the ones from earlier. This was all blindfolded.
    “Scientists Say: Hippocampus.” This is one of the most important parts of the brain. Well for forming new memories at least. There is another one of these hippocampus on0 the other side of the brain. Both form of hippocampus curve towards the middle of the brain. They also curve up and around. There is a reason why it’s called a hippocampus. And that reason is, the curves reminded the scientists of a sea horse. In Greek hippocampus roughly translates to “seahorse.” That is why one of the most important parts of you brain to make memories is called hippocampus.

    What I think about this way of learning about our memories is, that it is very interesting that scientists can discover how we think. We never really think about this stuff on a daily basis. There is so much of our brain to be discovered.

    -September 24th, 2019, 6:45am EST
    Laura Sanders, ScienceNewsforKids

  24. Lightning Hotspot
    In 1997, Nasa and the Japan Aerospace Exploration launched a satellite to study the rainfall and associated atmospheric phenomena. A lake during a lightning storm(Lake Maracaibo) had a lightning strike that had 55 flashes at max! Lake Maracaibo is the largest lake in South Africa. The size of the lake is 13,210 square kilometers. The lakes temperature is about 82-84 degrees celsius every day! The flash rate density during a storm is 232.52, and that might make you have a seizure! It’s the world’s biggest lightning hotspot. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides. The waters are very warm throughout the year, normally between 28 and 31 degrees Celsius. The lake is not normal. The hills apparently warm faster than the lake. That’s weird? This pattern causes nocturnal convection above the lake and produces recurrent thunder and lightning above the lake.

  25. The dog of ww1

    Rags was an ordinary dog until he joined the U.S army in 1918
    He was a military mascot like the million other animals in the military at the time.Rags was a stray dog. When he first got into the military is unknown. Rags boosted the morale of the soldiers as well. Soon though rags would get to battle only to find mines, deliver messages, and alarm soldiers of bombs. Some soldiers fed him a lot and refused to let him onto the battlefield because Rags helped there morale so much. Eventually though his battle came to an end when his paws and ears got filled with shrapnel from a bomb and he got poisonis gas in his lungs after his mask fell off in a gas attack his owner was killed but Rags survived. After the war Rags was adopted by a family and lived till the ripe old age (that is for a dog) of 26 years old. It is im pressive to think that this stray dog lived on the side of streets to being a highly honored soldier in WW1 which is cool to think about.

  26. INSECTS AS FOOD/Protein

    Did you know that some scientists are trying to out a way to make bugs into food well what it actually means is that way back in the day scientists have been trying to make insects/ bugs into good delicious tasting foods. But when different scientists get involved they just have an extremely long conversation about all of this.

    But When the different scientist get involved they all just try to make an easy solution towards this conversation. The best solution that they had thought of was to make the insects/bugs the protein.that would mostly be the scientist that always just study insects and as well as bugs.The bugs are more easy to have protein than meat does because there easier to grow. And some certain kinds of bugs are like vegetables.

    Theres this guy named David George gordon/D.G.G hes a bug chef. What is a bug chef? What is a bug chef you ask well first a bug chef is basically someone who cooks bugs for a living. They are also cooks,chefs/people who put bugs/insects into vegetables for the back in the day protein.

    Some bug chefs usually use like scorpions and tarantulas for most of the big types of foods. First because the huge/ big bugs provide a ton of protein. Second because the bugs might sound disgusting but some people would rather have and and insects then regular vegetables
    that are made now. But in my opinion I think that it wouldn’t taste the greatest because.
    They look horrible. But also guys the first time that I have ever aten a bug was when i ate a Chocolate covered cricket and when I had that I though as if it was candy but that didn’t work.

    There is a great way to have a back in the day protein combo. The com bo is very simple lets just say that it will involve big, medium, and small sized frogs. So guys do you know how frogs eat big and pretty small bugs and people eat frogs too. Well since bugs are aten by the frogs then the people will be able to eat the bugs and the frog because the bugs will still be inside the frog. this is all of the things why the bugs are one of the best way to eat protein with out having to buy it.

  27. Origin Of Diamond Bearing Rocks
    Catherine Chauvel

    Rare volcanic rocks called kimberlites are produced from magmas. The rocks have a very violent eruption style. They have a chemical and mineralogical composition. Kimberlites are unlike any other rock on the earth. Kimberlites are a centimeter sized crystal. They are like garnets, zircon, and diamonds. They have high amounts of incompatible trace elements.

    Kimberlite Formation: First kimberlites must be enriched in water/carbon dioxide to explain their violent eruption and presence of associated diatremes. Pipe like structures extended from earth’s surface to depths more than one kilometer.
    Second, some kimberlites must form deep in the mantel, evidenced by inclusions in kimberlite diamonds of minerals that are unstable at the planets surface. Mineral include ringwoodite and bridgmanite.
    Third and finally, kimberlites contain a large assemblage of minerals and xenoliths (rock fragments) that are collected from the surrounding material like the diamonds that have ringwoodite.

  28. Why dogs like sticking their heads out the car window?

    Let me ask you something, why do you think dogs stick their heads out the window? Well I’m gonna tell you with this article, I got this information off the article “why dogs like sticking their heads out the window”
    Scientist did many tests on different breeds of dogs to see what their reaction was, or what will happen on that type of dog breed. Looking out the window for some dogs gives them or gains a sense of control over their environment by allowing them to see where they are. Also it gives them a big BIG sense of freedom. I find this very important because all dogs do it and for a very long time there has not been an answer so with us figuring it out could answer a ton of questions based on why they do it. Did you also know that one of their nostrils are for breathing and the other one is dedicated just for smell! Overall I enjoyed it and it was okay not my favorite but yeah.One fact that they gave me from the article was that when dogs stick their heads out the window they smell everything! They smell up to people on the whole street, trash in your house, the restaurant next door, EVERYTHING! They can smell anything on that whole street no matter where it is on that street.
    My overall reaction when I read that article was that it was very cool, and interesting but at the same time it was kinda slow. There was great information but I feel like you could have stopped reading very quickly because they didn’t make it fun, they just bombarded you with information. Once you got through you will be like yeah that was cool but getting through it was the hard part for me. I would say that if they made it a little fun and spread out the information then definitely a 10/10 but I would give it a 8/10.

  29. Science in the News: Coral and Their Feeding Choices

    Scripps Oceanography is the name of my website I am using. The name of the article is ‘Scientists Find that Corals Rely More on Hunting than Previously Thought’, by, well, nobody in particular wrote it, so it goes to Scripps Oceanography. It was written on September 24, 2019. My five years of adoption anniversary with my family.


    Scientists thought that they knew everything about corals and their feeding decisions. Well, this just in, they really don’t. A new study from the ever helpful researchers from the UNiversity of New Mexico, Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego, and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, a.k.a. the WHOI, has been uncovering important details about how, when, and what specifically corals eat. They generally have two options: they can use the nutrients from themselves. They also have the ability to use their tentacles to grab their prey. But, they rely mostly on grabbing their prey instead of using the microscopic algae inside of them. The scientists did their studies from some samples they borrowed from the Palmyra Atoll. It surprised them with what they found: new information about these corals with hunting. They had to do some removing of coral polyps from their skeletons. Also, sometimes they needed to take out essential amino acids from the samples. Those scientists had no clue what they were getting themselves into. “Essential amino acids are required for an animal to survive, but most corals can’t make them. They have to get them from either their symbionts or something they just ate,” said Fox. “But each of those sources make amino acids in different ways, which gives the molecules distinct chemical signatures.”


    I think that this is awesome information from these scientists. It’s so good that we are finding out more about these astonishing creatures. But, in the long run, in order to fully understand the ocean and it’s creatures, we really need to explore more. Physically and through notes. More expeditions. More notes taken. More awe-inspiring scientists and oceanographers that take pics and explore the world more. Quite frankly, I wish I could touch the ocean floor myself, but it’s pretty impossible to do so because I would die and the world would end because I died. That would be the worst thing that could happen to me because it would physically and mentally end my life. Wow, how ironic.


  30. MD P.7 Article Review

    “The Four Fundamental Forces of Nature”
    By Jeremy Rehm 10/1/19

    There are four forces:
    2.The Weak Force
    4.The Strong Force

    Gravity pulls things down. When being thrown up or just jumping up it will pull you back down to the ground. The Weak force is what makes particles decay. It is the change of a subatomic particle into another particle. It happens through the exchange of bosons like it says in the article: interaction through the exchange of force-carrying particles called bosons. Specific ones are responsible for the weak force.
    They are categorized by the W and Z bosons. It’s critical for the nuclear fusion reactions that power the sun and produce the energy needed for most life forms here on Earth. Carbon-14 has six protons and eight neutrons; one of those neutrons decays into a proton to make nitrogen-14, which has seven protons and seven neutrons. This decay happens at a predictable rate, allowing scientists to determine how old such artifacts are. The electromagnetic force, also called the Lorentz force, acts between charged particles, like negatively charged electrons and positively charged protons. It’s what makes magnets stick to metal and other magnets. It consists of two parts magnetic force and the electric force. The electric component acts between charged particles whether they’re moving or stationary, creating a field by which the charges can influence each other. The strong nuclear force is also called the strong nuclear interaction is the strongest of the four fundamental forces of nature. Operates when two subatomic particles are close.

    My reaction to the article was wow this is awesome and very interesting.

  31. A Baby Zebra Born Different
    Hello my name is Alexander and today I will be simply displaying what I found out about a little baby zebra that was born with a black coat with white polka-dots. All of my life I have really enjoyed zebras and now writing an essay on them I have learned so much more! Now if you will just follow along with this little cute baby zebra, you will learn the process!
    So as we may all know, zebras are not the most common animal but they do shine bright. In these facts you will learn about zebras but my point here is that this photographer spotted a baby zebra that’s coat doesn’t fit the striped mold.
    Zebras black and white stripes
    Zebras have striking and beautiful stripes, they also have one of the most iconic coats in the animal kingdom! Although this particular baby zebra has a genetic condition that is called pseudo melanism it causes strange zebra striped patterns Zebras are dark skinned animals there stripes come from cells called moleniels.
    So now we know that there can be different things in this world don’t judge you learned by this that some things can be very unique and incredible.
    Well that was all about a baby zebra being born different I hope you enjoyed!
    Here is the website is used – http://www.tweentribune.com
    Website: Spotted in Kenya: A Baby Zebra With Polka Dots
    Author, Brigit Katz
    Published: September 26 2019

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